All goods are despatched from our large warehouse and storage area. In here the Clothing Exporters orders are assembled and loaded into sea containers
where they are shipped direct to their final destination. There are different grades and qualities of Textiles, clothing, shoes and handbags that are suitable
for the very varied markets and weather conditions across the world.
We have a fully covered loading area where our clothing Imports and Exports are handled. This ensures that our recycled textiles, clothing, shoes and handbags
are not exposed to the elements and so arrive at their destination dry and in good condition.
Larger bales of wipers cloth, wools and synthetics are bound and shipped to various industries in the UK for processing to various applications
We work closely with many local and national charities including The Fire Fighters Charity.
Support a school, church or organisaton of your choice by recycling unwanted clothing.
Copyright 2018 D Robinson & Co Ltd
Registered No. 08224284
Registered Address: Woodside, Stoke Road, Desborough, Northants, NN14 2SP